Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

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04 March 2010

Roswell Community Church

Roswell is a diminuitive neighborhood in Colorado Springs that I am a little fascinated with. Actually I've been mildly obssessed with it for years, don't ask me why. I just think it's charming and full of character. Few people in our ever-growing city seem to be aware that Roswell even exists. I suppose only the old timers really understand that this little neighborhood actually used to be a town unto itself.

Roswell was founded in 1888 by coal miners and annexed by the city of Colorado Springs in 1950. It's small and full of charm, bounded roughly on the east by Nevada Avenue, the west by Mark Dabling Blvd., the north by Fillmore (or possibly a block or two beyond it), and the south by Van Buren. It's filled almost exclusively with Craftsmen and Victorian homes (including a couple of standout stone beauties, a rarity in Colorado Springs), with a handful of midcentury ranchers thrown in the mix. There's a small open space called Roswell Park, exactly one square block in size. The railroad tracks are close enough to be uncomfortably loud for some suburbanites. There are rarely homes for sale in Roswell, though it's not a pricey neighborhood. I just love it there and I'll find any excuse to cut through Roswell on some errand or other. My studio is only about three blocks east of it, which makes my little detours very convenient!

This is Roswell Community Church, probably my favorite little church in all of Colorado Springs. I think it looks like a little 1940s postcard kind of church. I've never been inside it, but I'd love to shoot a wedding there. It's adorable.


Lois said...

Sounds like a great little community! You will have to show us some of those homes.

Clytie said...

I hope you get to go inside someday! I like the square bell tower - so typical for that period.

Hilda said...

When I saw the thumbnail in the portal, I was wondering why a home had what looked like a bell tower. Duh. ;)

Very charming. And yes, I hope you'll get to go inside one of these days.

UltraRob said...

I live at the other end of the block from the church. We attend church there. A great group of people that make it feel like a small town.

Anonymous said...

Steve said...
I don,t understand when they say it was founded by coal miners. I Beleave it was founded by the CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD IN 1888, cause the rail yard is just west of the town, and all the workers who then lived in roswell, I may be wrong but, would like to know more about the area.

Anonymous said...

I used to live over there he forgot to mention the creek is running along the west edge right behind the park. The houses are pretty old but cozy.

Tamera said...

Hi all!

It looks like those last two comments are from three or four years ago but I'm just now seeing them. With apologies to "Anonymous" (Steve?) and the other "Anonymous" -- first things first, let's get my gender straight: I'm definitely not a guy! Okay, to address the coal miners statement, I was going off of information that I either found on the internet or was told by a local "old timer". I actually don't remember now, this post was so long ago. So if I've got that information wrong, I apologize! Perhaps it was coal workers AND railway workers (that sounds quite plausible, actually). As for the creek -- it's Monument Creek, and I guess I just didn't feel that it was worth mentioning in the post. But I sure talk a lot about it on this blog, so never fear, it does get mentioned plenty! And I do agree, the houses in Roswell are cozy :^)

Thanks as always for visiting and commenting! Tamera