I was amazed. For one thing, the place was completely deserted except for Mr. Swets' artwork. It was just Jenn and me wandering around with our cameras. (And a few mosquitos, since the Poudre River runs through the property.) Wandering around this crazy, deserted sculpture garden/farm was such a neat experience. The sculptures themselves are crafted completely from, well, junk. And they're so cool! Lots and lots of dinosaurs, dragons, frogs, giant bugs... you name it! I could spend all day there. Too bad I didn't bring a "real" camera, but I got some decent pictures with my little point-and-shoot. I'll post a few more here over the next three or four days.
Unfortunately the Swetsville Zoo will soon be dismantled. Yes, it's sad. The road that it sits on is scheduled to be widened, and the Swets' property is smack in the middle of all that progress. The art will be donated and disbursed here and there. I'm glad I got a chance to visit the place before that happened.
Unfortunately the Swetsville Zoo will soon be dismantled. Yes, it's sad. The road that it sits on is scheduled to be widened, and the Swets' property is smack in the middle of all that progress. The art will be donated and disbursed here and there. I'm glad I got a chance to visit the place before that happened.
What a cool zoo! It's sad to think of this zoo family getting scatterd all hither to yon. Sometimes you have to stop and wonder just what is the definition of "progress"?
That's just awful! To lose such a wondrous place :(
His work is wonderful and I really like it!
What a cool place! Too bad it won't be there much longer. Glad you got some pictures before it's too late!
Very cool creature.
I'm sure it was a little weird to have the zoo to yourself but just think of the joy you brought to the creatures there rusting all alone.
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