Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

21 July 2009

Stormy weather

Pat and I are both very nocturnal, and thus fans of the Midnight Errand Run. It is not uncommon to find us dealing with our recycling long after the rest of the world has gone to bed, for instance, or perhaps you'll find us grocery shopping or returning library books. Thank goodness for 24 hour grocery stores and the like, or we'd never get anything done.

So last night we made a midnight run to WalMart because I needed envelopes. We decided to make a drive of it, so we went to the WalMart way up north. Earlier in the evening my Denver friends had all updated their Facebook statuses about an epic, violent thunderstorm that had pounded the entire area. I didn't think it was headed our way, since Denver and Colorado Springs generally have distinctly different weather patterns. When we entered WalMart all was quiet, but when we tried to leave about 15 minutes later we found ourselves trapped by a deluge of biblical proportions! (See photo.) Pat made a mad dash for the car, about 20 yards away, and got utterly soaked for his efforts. He pulled the car up to the curb for me, and in the 15 feet from the building to the curb I also got thoroughly drenched. Driving home was intense: the roads were several inches deep with rushing water, and we couldn't see through the windshield because the rain was so heavy. It was crazy!

Once we got closer to home we were able to outrun the storm, but it caught up with us again as we pulled up in front of our house. We ended up getting soaked a second time as we ran from the car to the front porch. Oh well! The crazy, unpredictable weather is one of the fun things about living here I guess.


B SQUARED said...

Sounds like our "Rainy season." A couple of inches in a couple of minutes is the norm this time of year.

Frank said...

Oh, you have so well described the weather we experience here in Tampa. We often go from blindingly clear blue skies to a thunderstorm so intense and violent it too seems biblical. Streets flooding, overflowing into yards, etc., etc. Then, within a few minutes the sun is shining and we're drenched in sweat and praying it'll rain again just to cool the earth off. Your story is great and you even got a photo. You should have shot the two wet rats.

Tamera said...

You guys know it well! We have been getting violent thunderstorms almost daily all summer (which is actually our normal weather pattern), but this year seems more extreme than usual -- more thunder and lightning. One thing we don't have is a lot of humidity; it's very arid here, so having so much water is nice. Our lawns are all so green!