Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

13 July 2016

Cooling thoughts

It's been so hot and dry here lately! In fact, on Sunday it was so bad that I had to water my vegetable garden twice. I found everything wilted and half dead at noontime so I gave it all a good dousing, but a few hours later the plants were dried up and wilted again, so I watered them a second time. We're all complaining about the heat! Here's a picture of the fountain that sits on the north side of the downtown library. Maybe it'll have a cooling effect on our minds. Anything helps!


William Kendall said...

An interesting looking water feature. We have the heat and humidity really out in force today.

Tamera said...

No humidity here, William! I guess that's something to be glad about (but the plants aren't so pleased about that fact).