Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

26 April 2017


I'm fascinated by the idea of capturing people in motion. Unfortunately, I'm not a very good street photographer, which is ironic because when I originally picked up a camera in college, street photography was all I wanted to do. I am a crackerjack wedding photographer and portraitist, and I'm even a reasonably competent landscape and nature photographer when pressed. But alas, I'm a lousy-to-average-at-best street photographer. Isn't it funny how you pine to be good at something that you have no talent for? Like sewing your own clothes or painting a masterpiece or writing a great novel? Ironically, the skills I deploy as a wedding photographer to capture fleeting moments somehow don't work when I attempt street photography. It's frustrating! Nevertheless, I'm ever inclined to see my artistic handicap as a personal challenge, however foolish that may be. I perpetually tilt at the proverbial windmills with my camera. Though I'll never be a Garry Winogrand or a Vivian Maier, I decided this year to improve and, as you know, the only way you get better at things is to practice. I've been trying, I tell you! I don't see any improvement yet, but patience, patience...

So! When Pat and I were at the MCA Denver a couple of weekends ago (see yesterday's post), I found myself repeatedly drifting to an upper floor window overlooking 15th and Delgany. As I sat on the bench, I idly photographed people through the thick glass as they crossed the street. Some observations: it's interesting how folks will diligently wait for the "walk" signal before they step foot off the curb, even if there are no cars coming. It's also interesting how quickly they will all fall into lockstep, like soldiers. Another thing I noticed was how, if they are strangers, they will find strategies to distance themselves from one another once they commence crossing the street. Some will walk more quickly, while others will hang back; some stare ahead at a distant point, while others look down. Anything to avoid a semblance of contact. And finally, the random patterns they make when viewed from above, and the deep shadows cast by the afternoon sun, were interesting as well. I only allowed myself to take one photograph of each group, and I deleted none of the images. Here are all the photos I took, in chronological order.

P.S. I almost forgot to tell you! If you like contemporary street photography, there's a fantastic City Daily Photo blog that you should be following. B.C. at Chicago: A Daily Photo Blog never fails to impress me with her street photography talents. I only wish I was a good as she is. Check it out!


William Kendall said...

I can see that being an irresistible photo subject under the circumstances!

b.c. said...

this series is awesome, i love it!! I'm looking forward to more :)))

and for mentioning my blog, i feel so honored...and a little shy but I am smiling... thanks so much for the kind and generous words Tamera!