Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

27 September 2017

Intriguing building and an interesting conversation

I've been fascinated by this apartment building for years! I've always wanted to take a picture of it but never bothered to until a couple of weeks ago, when Pat and I had an errand to run near my studio and cut through the slightly down-at-the-heels neighborhood behind Lincoln Elementary so I could do just that. As I was training my camera on the building, a very old man across the street started yelling at me. He just wanted to know what I was up to. I told him that all I wanted was a picture of it, and he told me that he was the owner. A long and very interesting conversation soon ensued. He told me that he's owned the building for decades and he lives in the house across the street. I asked him when it was built but he didn't really know. To me it looks late Art Déco verging on Mid-Century. It's been empty for about ten years, though he plans to start renting again in there sometime (though he couldn't say when). Eventually I realized that I was talking to Mr. Pinello, of the local Pinellos, one of the oldest families in our city! His family owned Pinello Ranch, which I believe long ago (1960s-ish?) became a subdivision down south, by Security. I absolutely love it when I get to meet a Colorado Springs old timer. I am definitely going to have to try and bump into Mr. Pinello again and pick his brain about his memories of Colorado Springs back in the day!

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Black and white is quite appropriate for it.