This is my friend Jennifer, and I chose her for my style post today because of her awesome shirt! If you can't read it, it says, "A woman's place is in the resistance." Brava, Jenn! Great message! (Oh and her pitch black puffy jacket is awesome, too!)
23 March 2025
22 March 2025
19 March 2025
A Quiet Afternoon
I live for lazy Sunday afternoons and a chance to walk my dog if the weather's nice! We hit up Monument Valley Park and I grabbed a shot of this stone lantern on the way back to the car.
18 March 2025
Lady in Pink
On Sunday we once again cycled back into balmy weather after several days of cold and intermittent snow. This lady in Monument Valley Park was soaking up the sunshine and enjoying a brisk walk.
17 March 2025
A Random Spot of Yellow
I was walking Frodo down our street a few days ago when this caught my eye. I couldn't figure out what it was until I leaned down to take a picture of it. It was a child sized toy ring. I left it where it was.
16 March 2025
Sunday Style!
Here's my friend Paula modeling a skirt that I made for her from THESE old jeans and some fabric that she picked out. She looks good in it! I had planned on making this garment during my downtime after gallbladder surgery, but I was in a lot of pain so I had to postpone things -- I didn't get it finished until a couple of weeks ago. I've become a big fan of upcycling old clothes. This was a really easy project, so even if you're a beginner sewist you can easily make something like this.
15 March 2025
Protestors Gonna Protest
A fairly small but very determined group of protestors convened at congressman Jeff Crank's office once again on Friday, myself included. I'd say about 15 to 20 us turned up in total, and they allowed five at a time to come inside and speak with the congressman's staff. Most of us brought letters addressing various causes of concern (for me, it was the US Postal Service, since Pat is a postal worker). We handed over our letters to the men who were running interference for the congressman -- supposedly Crank wasn't in the office, but I don't necessarily believe anything they told us -- and then went outside to carry on protesting. It was windy and chilly, but that didn't discourage anyone. As we stood on the corner of Pikes Peak and Colorado holding up our signs, we got many honks and waves of support from passing motorists. Next weekend there will be a protest in front of the post office in support of postal workers, and I don't care if it's five below zero and there's a damn tornado, I'll be there with bells on.