Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

14 October 2024

Exploring Victor (Part 3)

I still have a few images to share from our stroll through historic Sunnyside Cemetery in Victor. Have you ever been to a cemetery at 9,708 feet above sea level? It has a great view in all directions, that's for sure! I'll wrap up this series tomorrow.

There's a large section devoted to Elks Club members.

Some of the grave markers are wood, the deceased's names long lost to time and the elements.

13 October 2024

Sunday Style!

Is there anything more classic than a pair of jeans and a crisp white cotton shirt? It's mid-October and we're still enjoying beautiful days (although the nights are getting chillier and chillier), and the people of Colorado Springs are dressing like it's high summer. I guess it'll finally cool down at the end of this week, but until then I'll be dressed much like this woman.

12 October 2024

Exploring Victor (Part 2)

More from Sunnyside Cemetery in Victor. Most of the graves are a century or more old, and a lot of them are pretty sad. Plenty of children and babies, and adults who didn't get to enjoy long lives.

11 October 2024

Exploring Victor (Part 1)

A week ago I went leafing peeping with my friend JB, really just to get out of the city and into the mountains more than anything else. As we were driving I mentioned Sunnyside Cemetery in Victor, and since JB had never seen it we decided to drive a little farther down the road and take a wander through it. I've featured Sunnyside Cemetery on the blog before but that was a few years ago. And anyway, I'm always down to visit an old graveyard. Here's a teaser. More tomorrow.

Here's JB checking out a few old graves.

10 October 2024

Cripple Creek Spookiness and Other Stuff

Yesterday was kind of awful, to be honest, and I didn't have a chance to do a blog post, so hopefully this makes up for it. In our leaf peeping adventure last Friday, my friend JB and I drove through Cripple Creek in search of Sunnyside Cemetery. I had forgotten that it's in Victor, so we were in the wrong town, but only about four or five miles separate Cripple Creek from Victor -- no big deal. Anyway, before leaving Cripple Creek we stopped for a couple of snapshots. This house sure had the Halloween thing going on! What fun!

By the way, you may have heard that tiny Cripple Creek was in the national news today, but not for a good reason, unfortunately. There was an elevator accident in the historic Mollie Kathleen mine, resulting in one fatality and almost two dozen people being trapped 1,000 feet below the surface for several hours. You can read about it here.

The cute house next door.

The even cuter house next door to the cute house next door.

08 October 2024


As you approach Cripple Creek on Highway 67 from the east, you'll  pass these odd figures. Most of them are clearly related to the old cartoon The Flintstones, dinosaurs and all, although there is also a Statue of Liberty and what looks maybe Santa Claus. Or possibly a yeti. (?) At any rate, I don't think I've ever bothered to stop my car and take pictures until now, although they've been there for years. They do sit on private property so I had to stand outside the fence to get these shots. To me, the Flintstones figures qualify as folk art I'd love to know who created them -- I've always found them charming!

07 October 2024

Leaf Peeping

On Friday I went leaf peeping with my friend JB. First we hit up Mueller State Park, then we headed west on Highway 67 to Cripple Creek and Victor. The aspens were peaking and they looked magnificent! Here's what we saw.