Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

02 December 2008

Chuck's new camera!

My brother Chuck has been a film holdout for so long, I was surprised when he called me Saturday and told me he'd bought a DSLR! It's a Nikon D80 and it's very cool. We went out on Sunday to take it for a test drive. This photo was taken by Chuck in the Garden of the Gods, the classic view looking southward. It's a beautiful scene, even in 28-degree weather and snow flurries.

Nice shot Chuck!


Lois said...

I think the snow makes it even prettier!

rob said...

This place is amazing!! Are those mountains high?

Unknown said...

Stunning scenery! The photo is amazing!

Tamera said...

It truly is beautiful, and gem of our city. It's called the Garden of the Gods and there's more info about it here: http://www.gardenofgods.com/home/index.cfm?&Flash=1 Rob, they aren't mountains so much as they are rock formations. If you look at my blog header you'll see a different view, with Pikes Peak in the background.

Come and see it sometime! It's pretty cool! Tamera

Tamera said...

P.S. I'll tell my brother that everyone liked his photo! :o)

San Diego Farmgirl said...

GOTG is one of the coolest places on Earth. Ever.