Colorado Springs has an awesome array of cool vintage signage concentrated in certain areas of town -- this is just a small sampling of them (click on the image for a larger view). These particular signs are located in downtown, the Old North End, Roswell, the west side, Nob Hill, Ivywild and Manitou, and many of them are local landmarks. I took all of these photos on April 13th as part of a personal project that I have yet to complete. It's only just now that I've had the time to look at them and play around! I should know better than to start personal projects during wedding season.
Pat and I are obsessed with mid-century modern design and architecture, and I particularly love all things vintage. I have lived here a long time and have always loved all the signs you see here (and more). I'm glad I finally took the time to photograph them.
An interesting selection of signs. We have nothing like that here, as most of our hotels belong to big chains. But we do have some great pub signs that are historical, such as the Red Lion.
These are fun to look at. I particularly noticed the Beverly Hills Motel sign--no affiliation to the hotel of the same name on Sunset Blvd in LA I presume!
Wow, is that Big Train place still open? Chicken, shrimp, roast beef AND ham? Sounds like man paradise! haha
I think I still like Dun Rovin' the best, tho! I mean, the name - Dun Rovin' - doesn't that cater to vagrants? haha
Yeah I think it kind of catered to vagrants and now it's closed! LOL! I guess they make lousy guests ;o)
The Big Train Restaurant is popular among the older set. We went there once out of curiosity and I think the average age there was 75. I ordered chicken fried steak because that's what you do in a place like that. It wasn't so great (the veggies were really yucky). So I can say I've eaten at the Big Train but I probably won't make a habit of it. But I like their sign!
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