Today my friend Jennifer came down from Denver to help me organize the back room at my studio, which sorely needed it (thanks Jenn!). I decided to go on a beer run, and as I drove away I noticed this sign on the corner just up the block. Isn't it odd? I've never noticed it before. My studio is in a 1950s building, part of a three block long row of businesses all housed in similar mid-century buildings. So I assume this sign must have been planted there at about the same time -- it sure looks like it. I wonder what it used to say. If I were feeling philosophical I could come up with some esoteric meaning behind it, but I think I'll just stick with "it's a really old sign pointing in the general direction of my studio."
Obviously, it's a sign of something...maybe your desire to get beer?
Good sign!
I like what it says about possibilities. What is this way? Well, what are you looking for?
Walk THIS way.
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