I know it doesn't look like much right now, but just wait a few weeks! This is the community garden at Bear Creek Regional Park on 21st Street. It will be a few weeks before it's planted, but by the end of summer it will be a bounty of organic goodness. I love Bear Creek Park -- Pat and I enjoy walking there, and in the summertime they use a herd of goats to keep the weeds at bay, which is cute. (I think goats are adorable!)
You can rent garden space in the Bear Creek Community Garden for a nominal fee. Call (719) 473-5827 for more information. As for me, I promise to visit the park again during the summer so I can get a shot of the garden in full bloom -- and also the goats!
1 comment:
Bear Creek Park was a favorite place for my children and I to roam when we lived in Colorado Springs. Thanks for bringing back the good memories!
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