No, this isn't an ad for a cheesy horror movie, it's another image from our little jaunt down Highway 115 yesterday. This enormous Hercules beetle is a Colorado Springs landmark. It's there to tempt you into visiting the May Museum, which I'll admit I've never done! I have, however, taken a few pictures of the giant beetle over the years. It's hard to resist! And I'm proud to report that he's even listed on www.roadsideamerica.com, a true distinction indeed.
Definitely one of the more memorable roadmarks of Colorado Springs!
Looks like a scene from an old horror movie in black and white!
If I'd known Colorado had such threateningly large beetles, I might not have gone out there last fall!
How big is this thing in real life?
I know Colorado beetles are dangerous to trees, but that one looks positively leathal!
Jacob, it's a big big bug! It's probably about 20-25 feet long. Huge! I love it!
Now this is REALLY impressive!!! Great pic!!
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