Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

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12 January 2020

Sunday Style!

Today I participated in a clothing swap organized by my friend Michelle. She does it every year, but this is the first time I've gone. In past years she's hosted it at her house, but this time she arranged to put it on at the Buntport Theater, and it's a good thing she did because a TON of people showed up! The photo above doesn't really show how crazy it was in there. Women just kept showing up with bags and bags of clothes. It was nuts!

The premise of a clothing swap is very simple: clean out your closet of things you don't want, bring it all to the swap, and in turn you're welcome to take home any of the goodies you see there. I haven't purged my wardrobe in quite a while so I went crazy -- I ended up bringing nine bags of clothes and a big bag of shoes. It was great getting rid of all that stuff! Extra bonus: I unearthed a bunch of clothes that I had forgotten about, so now I'll remember to wear them.

So yeah, I offloaded a lot of beautiful dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, jeans and shoes that I didn't wear anymore, and I'm glad that they'll get to see the light of day again on new owners. As for me, I allowed myself to bring home three things:  a cozy green sweater, a beautiful silk scarf that looks brand new, and a little black dress. My closet is no longer jam packed with unwanted items, and I enjoyed meeting new friends. I encourage you to try a clothing swap. It doesn't have to be on this scale -- it can just be a handful of good friends. And you end up with free clothes, how awesome is that? It's fun!
My many bags of clothes and shoes, all packed up and ready to go.
I freed up a ton of hangers and am glad to be rid of them. They're headed for the ARC tomorrow and good riddance! I now only have the skinny non-slip ones, all matching quite nicely instead of this hodgepodge, thankyouverymuch.
Here's the awesome Michelle, who organizes the clothing swap every year. You  may remember her from THIS post.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I can imagine how busy that would have gotten!