Welcome to Colorado Springs Daily Photo!

Hi, I'm Tamera, a professional wedding, portrait and boudoir photographer in Colorado Springs. But this blog isn't about my professional work; no, it's a daily love note to my beautiful city, where I've lived for most of my life. I love it here and I hope you enjoy seeing Colorado Springs through my eyes and lens!

*ALL CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT COLORADO SPRINGS DAILY PHOTO. This is not a stock photography site. Please do not copy, save, "screen grab" or otherwise appropriate or steal any images or text. Reproduction without my written permission is prohibited. Please contact me if you are interested in buying a print.*

27 May 2019


Yesterday I ventured downtown just long enough to grab some take out from the East Coast Deli. I brought a camera with me because I was hoping that I'd come across something or someone interesting to photograph, but alas no. The only interesting thing in this picture is my Mini Cooper, and I'm sure it's only interesting to me (I like my car). Ha. Maybe tomorrow I'll come up with a more exciting picture for you. No promises!


William Kendall said...

I like the Cooper, but I'm pretty sure my long legs won't fit in one.

JudithK said...

Hm. From this angle, it looks as if you weren't exactly the parallel parking winner of the day. But still. It's cute. And the sky is blue and the car is red and the buildings all trim and nice. And not a lot of traffic.

Tamera said...

It's not parallel parking on Tejon, Miss Judith! It's angled. In fact, parallel parking is one of my superpowers. I can perfectly parallel park any vehicle, even a great big truck! I do agree, that's a nice blue sky above the brick buildings :-) It was a nice day while it lasted!